Prayers for every day
We all get caught up in distractions of everyday life. But while we all know that life is great it is also difficult. Plans and dreams fail despite our best efforts. Jesus reminds us He won’t take away the difficulties but will help us overcome them. He had to carry his cross also. Experience shows that the cross will visit all of us. Worries like unemployment, financial problems, sudden sickness, the stress of waiting for medical results, the future of children, exam pressures, marriage and family misunderstandings, loneliness, emigration, the death of a loved one all enter our lives at some stage. At that moment we may feel we are the only ones in such a plight and can feel overwhelmed.
Here are some prayers that we hope will give you some comfort during a particular difficult time in your life. These prayers are available as separate prayer leaflets. If you would like a particular one, please contact us and we will send you the prayer. E-mail:
Dear Lord, we ask you to look kindly on all those who have supported our Society and its members over the years. We commend to you especially those who are sick, bereaved, depressed or worried at this time and those who have asked our prayers for particular intentions. Amen.
Scroll down for:
General Prayers, Prayers for Healing, Prayers for Strength,
In Time of Mourning, Prayers at Exam Time, For Cancer Patients, Prayer for Everyday
General Prayers (Folded leaflet)
Traditional Irish Prayer
In the morning,
I arise with God,
may God rise with me.
God’s hand enfolding me
as I sit, as I lie down
and as I arise.
…irím suas le Dia
go n-éirir Dia liom.
Lámh Dé i mo thimpeall,
ag suí is ag luí
’s ag éiri dom.
Family Prayer
Stay with us Lord,
when our family is united,
when joy and laughter
make life easy.
Stay with us Lord,
when there is trouble at home,
when discord and anger
upset our peace.
Stay with us Lord,
when there is sickness
at home,
when we need your
courage and support.
Stay with us Lord,
when the journey of life is over, and take us to our heavenly home,
to stay with you Lord,
in peace forever.
Prayer for Healing
Heart of Compassion,
Source of Life…
Grant to the frail in body
the assurance of your strength; to all who are ill this day, a healing balm.
To those who wrestle with despair, grant peace.
May those with failing minds be met with kindness.
May broken bodies gently mend, may the broken-hearted find your consolation.
May those caught in the throes of pain be soothed
and may all who dwell upon
the threshold of eternity
be lifted to the fullness of your light.
(Prayer for World Day of Prayer for the Sick, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes)

The Holy Family, St Patrick's Church, Kilmaine, Co Mayo.
(Photo: T. Redmond SPS)
Prayers for Healing (Single leaflet)
Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
O Mother of Mercy,
comforter of the afflicted,
you know my suffering
and my needs.
Look upon me with
loving kindness.
By appearing at the
Grotto of Lourdes,
you made it a sacred place,
a sanctuary of healing.
I come, therefore,
with faith in the
Lord’s healing power.
O Mary, please grant
my request for healing.
Most of all,
help me to know and
embrace God’s will for me.
Prayer before surgery
Lord Jesus, be with me in my helplessness and need as I prepare for surgery. Bless the surgeon and medical personnel who will minister your healing for me.
Prayer during recovery
Lord, give me
the patience I need
on my journey
towards recovery.
May I be at peace
with your
healing power
working within me.
Healing Prayer
Lord, I now
realise what a
gift good health
really is.
Continue your
healing power in me,
so that I can
use my gifts
to serve others.
Prayers for Strength (Folded leaflet)
May His Love enfold you.
May His Strength uphold you.
May His Light shine upon you.
And may His Peace surround you.

Prayer to St. Anthony
Dear Saint Anthony,
You are the patron
of the poor and
helper of those who have
lost articles.
Help me find what
I have lost.
May I give God
honour and glory.
Grant your aid to
all those who seek
what they have lost,
especially those who
seek to regain God’s grace.
Sacred Heart, in Don Bosco's Church of the Sacred Heart, Rome. (Photo: L. Lew OP)
Prayer for Strength
Lord, every day I need you,
but especially this day.
I need some extra strength
to face whatever is to come.
This day,
more than any other day,
I need to feel you near me,
to fortify my courage
and to overcome my fear.
By myself I cannot meet
the challenge of the hour.
I need you to sustain me
in all that life may bring.
And so, dear Lord,
hold my trembling hand.
Be with me, Lord this day,
so that I may know
your guiding hand
at work
in everything,
and know
your guiding
with me always.
In Time of Mourning (Single leaflet)
Do not let your hearts be troubled.
Trust in God and trust in Me.
John 14:1
Praised be God,
the Father of mercies,
and the God of all consolation.
He comforts us in all our afflictions
and enables us to comfort
those in times of trouble.
Lord Jesus, listen to our prayers.
Look with love on your people
who mourn and pray
for their loved one.
Thank you, Father, for all the blessings
You give us in this life.
Help us to comfort each other until we all meet in Christ to be one with you
and our loved ones,
where there will be no more sorrow,
no more weeping, no more pain,
but only peace and joy
for ever and ever.

Prayers at Exam Time (Single leaflet)
Prayer Before Study
Lord, give me peace
of mind as I study.
Help me focus on my books and notes,
and keep me from all distractions.
Guide me to make the best use
of this time that is available to me.
Help me to understand what I am studying,
and to remember it when the time comes.
Thank you for the ability to be able to study
and for the many gifts
and talents you have given me.
Help me always to use them in
such a way that they honour you
and do justice to myself.
Prayer Before An Exam
Dear Lord,
As I take this exam,
bring back to my mind everything
I have studied and be gracious with
what I may have overlooked.
Help me to remain focussed and calm,
confident in the facts and in my ability,
and firm in the knowledge that
no matter what happens today
you are there with me always.
Help me, not only with this test,
but with the many tests of life
that are sure to come my way.
For Cancer Patients (Folded leaflet)
Prayer to Saint Peregrine,
Patron of those suffering from cancer
Saint Peregrine, Patron of those suffering from cancer, I confidently turn to you for help in my present sickness. I beg your kind intercession.
Ask God to relieve me of this sickness,
if it be his Holy Will.
Plead with the Blessed Virgin Mary,
the Mother of Sorrows,
whom you loved so tenderly,
that she may help me with her
powerful prayers
and loving consolation.
Obtain for me courage and strength.
St. Peregrine, be my friend and patron.
I offer my pains to God
with all the love of my heart,
for his glory and the salvation of souls,
especially my own.
Prayer to St. Peregrine for the Intentions of Others
Saint Peregrine,
you have been called “The Mighty”,
because of the numerous miracles which
you have obtained from God
or those who have had recourse to you.
For so many years you bore in your
own flesh this cancerous disease.
You were favoured with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction.
Ask of God and Our Lady,
the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.
(Pause here and silently recall the names of the sick for whom you are praying.)
Aided in this way by your powerful intercession,
we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity,
a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy. Amen.
Prayer for Strength
Lord, you know me inside and out.
You know about my pain and distress,
You understand the fears of my heart.
At the cross you endured unabating agony.
You have gone before me into the darkness
And emerged in power and glory.
At this time I lean on You
I draw my strength from Your endless love
And live in Your limitless grace
Trusting in You.
The Memorare
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that
anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help or sought your intercession,
was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence,
I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.
To you I come, before you I stand,
sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but, in your mercy,
hear and answer me.
Prayer for Everyday (Single leaflet)
This Prayer comes from Brazil, for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2015.
God of life,
who cares for all creation,
and calls us to justice and peace,
may our security not come from arms, but from respect.
May our force not be of violence, but of love.
May our wealth not be in money, but in sharing.
May our path not be of ambition, but of justice.
May our victory not be from vengeance, but in forgiveness.
May our unity not be in the quest for power,
but in vulnerable witness to do your will.
Open and confident, may we defend the
dignity of all creation, sharing, today and forever,
the bread of solidarity, justice and peace.
This we ask in the name of Jesus,
your holy Son, our brother, who,
as victim of our violence,
even from the height of the cross,
gave forgiveness to us all.