Fr Patrick Esekon (2013 Class) visited Kiltegan recently. Patrick is the first Turkana man to be ordained for the Society. He is from Lorugum and was baptised by Fr Tom Grenham (1985 Class). Fr Gerry O’Carroll (1968 Class) was his parish priest when he was growing up and encouraged him to join the Society. It has been Patrick’s dream for some time to meet Gerry again. He wanted to come back and say Thanks! Asante! Ejok noi! Patrick led the Sunday Mass in Kiltegan on the 11th of February and it brought great joy to everyone in the congregation to hear the gracious words from one of our youngest members. Patrick then went to Knock where he had a very joyful reunion with Gerry. He also visited his former Formator, Michael Kelly (1978 Class) at Raheen, Co Laois.