Report from St Patrick's Fr Livinus Onogwu in Mombasa, Kenya: Politics is an indispensable religion in Kenya with all its fiery attributes. On Saturday 22nd July 2017, St Patrick’s Bangla hosted the other five parishes of Mombasa West Denary to pray for a peaceful and credible general election in Kenya in August 2017. Bangla and many other places have been named as potential hot spots. Representatives of stakeholders all enjoined the people and politicians to maintain peace before, during and after the election. The Mass which took place on the football field in front of the church was presided over by the Vicar General Fr Lago, who represented His Grace Martin Kivuva. St Patrick’s Fr Nicky Hennity from Ireland is the Dean of the Denary. Fr Nicky, Fr Livinus and Fr Peter Finegan SPS attended the Mass.
(Photos: L. Onogwu SPS)