Prayer Keepsakes
Our prayer keepsakes are a prayerful way to remember your First Holy Communion and Confirmation. They are pocket size and will fit into a small prayer book or your pocket.
Communion Prayer Keepsake

The Prayer keepsake is pocket size and will fit into a small prayer book. It contains prayers and also a place to write the child’s name and the details of their special day. They would make a nice gift for your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, or friend. Limited stock so order today to avoid disappointment!
Confirmation Prayer Keepsake

The Confirmation Prayer keepsake is pocket size and will fit into a small prayer book. It contains prayers and also a place to write the child’s name and the details of their special day. They would make a nice gift for your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, or friend. Limited stock so order today to avoid disappointment!
Prayer Guides
Our prayer guides are a useful accompaniment to daily prayer and reflection. They are pocket size, laminated with accordion fold and will fit into a small purse or wallet.
Prayers in Time of Need

This prayer guide is for those times when we need a little extra to face the obstacles in our lives.The guide includes prayers to St. Peregrine (Patron of cancer sufferers), St. Blaise (Patron of illnesses of the throat and mouth), St. Gerard Majella (Patron of expectant mothers), St. Anthony (Patron of those suffering a loss), Prayer In Time of Grief, and more.

Pray With Me

Prayers for Children This guide introduces prayer in a bright and easy manner, with colourful images, to suit children from First Class up to Sixth Class in primary school. The guide includes the following prayers to say with your children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews: Angel of God, Act of Contrition, Prayer Before and After Communion, Morning Prayer, Night Prayer, Grace Before and After Meals, the Our Father, the Hail Mary and more.

Daily Prayer

This is a useful guide to well known prayers. Use it at home, in church or whenever you have a quite moment to spare. Prayers included are: The Angelus, The Apostles’ Creed, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, The Memorare, Our Father, Hail Mary, Act of Contrition, and Prayer for Holy Rest.