November 2024
Welcome into your Kingdom our departed relatives and friends.
In the cemetery in Kiltegan, many of our missionary priests are buried; others are buried in the mission areas where they worked and died and some are buried in their home places. Here in Kiltegan, there’s just a simple stone cross to mark where they are buried. On the cross is written the name, the date of birth and the date of death. That’s all. Theirs is a life given to the service of God’s people in other lands. They wouldn’t want it any other way.
During November, the month of the Holy Souls, we offer two Masses every day for your deceased family members, relatives and friends. We place all the names of your deceased loved ones on the “Altar of Friends” in St Patrick’s Chapel here in Kiltegan. We hold them in prayerful remembrance throughout the month of November.
In St John’s Gospel, Jesus tells us “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God still, and trust in me…..I am going now to prepare a place for you….so that where I am, you may be too.” These are comforting and consoling words when we face the pain and loss of our departed family members, relatives and friends.
As we commemorate All Souls days, we are reminded that all those who have died are not gone from us but gone before us.
Be assured we remember your deceased family members, relatives and friends in our Masses and Community prayers during the month of November.
If you would like to have your deceased family members and friends remembered during November Masses here in Kiltegan:
Download the Enrolment Form here, fill it in and post it to us.
Fill in the online Enrolment Form below.
All names will then be placed on our November “Altar of Friends” as we hold them in prayerful remembrance. In their memory, you may wish to contribute to the work of St Patrick’s missionaries.
We know well that this year has been a hard year for many people. May God continue to keep you in his care.
May God grant eternal rest to all your departed loved ones and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Fr Tomás O'Connor SPS

God of the living and the dead,
You brought Jesus back to life.
Raise up the faithful departed,
And let us come with them
Into your heavenly glory.
Remembering our deceased in November. Eternal rest grant unto them,
O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

During November we remember especially at our two daily Masses…Our Deceased Benefactors, Our Deceased Families and Friends, Our Deceased Society Members, All our Deceased Missionary Partners, All named on your November Dead Lists, All named on Mission Circle Cards